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I’d love to one day make a cosplay outfit for my husband inspired by your old Link model. It’s great!
Hiya Damien!
Just adoring your old Link 3D model. I have an opportunity to use Envisiontech’s 3D laser printer. I was just wondering if maybe I could ask for an STL file for the old Link’s model if that would be alright. Naturally I would understand if you say no, but I would really appreciate if you would kindly give it to me. Also I would send some pictures of the results and the paint job. 🙂
i am likewise interested in printing this into a 3d model if you are willing to sell a copy of the 3d file.
LOVE your model for old link. Hoping that Nintendo opts to do an art style similar to that for Zelda Wii U.
Je suis tombé tout à fait par hasard sur votre site et ai retrouvé des travaux (notamment la dominance war) dont je n’arrivais pas à trouver le nom de l’artiste et le portfolio à l’époque. En tout cas bravo, vos réalisations sont absolument magnifiques 🙂
Merci Christophe:)
i would be very interested in a 3D-printed model of old link.
Hi Damien. Just wanted to say that I think your models look amazing, and it’s really inspiring for me as a growing 3D-modeler. I can look at the wireframe-models for hours. 🙂
I adore old Link. I would like to make a wallpaper out of it if that’s ok. I’d also love to see him in more poses.
Hi, Damien. I wanted to sincerely congratulate you for a truly inspiring portfolio.
As a concept artist who’s supposed to generate inspiration to the modelers, it’s kind of funny being so inspired by a modeler, but that’s just how it feels while watching your work. You really insufflate life into those models.
Some of the best 3D stuff I’ve seen so far, and I’ve seen a lot 🙂 Kudos!
Congratulation for comicon 2010 1st award!! 🙂
Bonne Annee Damien, et a toute ta famille 🙂 Nos meilleurs voeux de sante, amour et rires pour 2011!!!
La famille Labelle
Merci Jaime, à toi aussi 🙂